⚡ Smart and Powerful commenting plugin for neovim ⚡
![Comment.nvim](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/42532967/136532939-926a8350-84b7-4e78-b045-fe21b5947388.gif "Commenting go brrrr") ### ✨ Features - Supports treesitter. [Read more](#treesitter) - Supports `commentstring`. Read `:h comment.commentstring` - Supports line (`//`) and block (`/* */`) comments - Dot (`.`) repeat support for `gcc`, `gbc` and friends - Count support for `[count]gcc` and `[count]gbc` - Left-right (`gcw` `gc$`) and Up-Down (`gc2j` `gc4k`) motions - Use with text-objects (`gci{` `gbat`) - Supports pre and post hooks - Ignore certain lines, powered by Lua regex ### 🚀 Installation - With [packer.nvim](https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim) ```lua use { 'numToStr/Comment.nvim', config = function() require('Comment').setup() end } ``` - With [vim-plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug) ```vim Plug 'numToStr/Comment.nvim' " Somewhere after plug#end() lua require('Comment').setup() ``` ### 📖 Getting Help `Comment.nvim` provides help docs which can be accessed by running `:help comment-nvim` ### ⚒️ Setup First you need to call the `setup()` method to create the default mappings. > **Note** - If you are facing **Keybindings are mapped but they are not working** issue then please try [this](https://github.com/numToStr/Comment.nvim/issues/115#issuecomment-1032290098) - Lua ```lua require('Comment').setup() ``` - VimL ```vim lua << EOF require('Comment').setup() EOF ``` #### Configuration (optional) Following are the **default** config for the [`setup()`](#setup). If you want to override, just modify the option that you want then it will be merged with the default config. Read `:h comment.config` for more info. ```lua { ---Add a space b/w comment and the line padding = true, ---Whether the cursor should stay at its position sticky = true, ---Lines to be ignored while (un)comment ignore = nil, ---LHS of toggle mappings in NORMAL mode toggler = { ---Line-comment toggle keymap line = 'gcc', ---Block-comment toggle keymap block = 'gbc', }, ---LHS of operator-pending mappings in NORMAL and VISUAL mode opleader = { ---Line-comment keymap line = 'gc', ---Block-comment keymap block = 'gb', }, ---LHS of extra mappings extra = { ---Add comment on the line above above = 'gcO', ---Add comment on the line below below = 'gco', ---Add comment at the end of line eol = 'gcA', }, ---Enable keybindings ---NOTE: If given `false` then the plugin won't create any mappings mappings = { ---Operator-pending mapping; `gcc` `gbc` `gc[count]{motion}` `gb[count]{motion}` basic = true, ---Extra mapping; `gco`, `gcO`, `gcA` extra = true, }, ---Function to call before (un)comment pre_hook = nil, ---Function to call after (un)comment post_hook = nil, } ``` ### 🔥 Usage When you call [`setup()`](#setup) method, `Comment.nvim` sets up some basic mapping which can be used in NORMAL and VISUAL mode to get you started with the pleasure of commenting stuff out. #### Basic mappings These mappings are enabled by default. (config: `mappings.basic`) - NORMAL mode ```help `gcc` - Toggles the current line using linewise comment `gbc` - Toggles the current line using blockwise comment `[count]gcc` - Toggles the number of line given as a prefix-count using linewise `[count]gbc` - Toggles the number of line given as a prefix-count using blockwise `gc[count]{motion}` - (Op-pending) Toggles the region using linewise comment `gb[count]{motion}` - (Op-pending) Toggles the region using blockwise comment ``` - VISUAL mode ```help `gc` - Toggles the region using linewise comment `gb` - Toggles the region using blockwise comment ``` #### Extra mappings These mappings are enabled by default. (config: `mappings.extra`) - NORMAL mode ```help `gco` - Insert comment to the next line and enters INSERT mode `gcO` - Insert comment to the previous line and enters INSERT mode `gcA` - Insert comment to end of the current line and enters INSERT mode ``` ##### Examples ```help # Linewise `gcw` - Toggle from the current cursor position to the next word `gc$` - Toggle from the current cursor position to the end of line `gc}` - Toggle until the next blank line `gc5j` - Toggle 5 lines after the current cursor position `gc8k` - Toggle 8 lines before the current cursor position `gcip` - Toggle inside of paragraph `gca}` - Toggle around curly brackets # Blockwise `gb2}` - Toggle until the 2 next blank line `gbaf` - Toggle comment around a function (w/ LSP/treesitter support) `gbac` - Toggle comment around a class (w/ LSP/treesitter support) ``` ### 🌳 Treesitter This plugin has native **treesitter** support for calculating `commentstring` which works for multiple (injected/embedded) languages like Vue or Markdown. But due to the nature of the parsed tree, this implementation has some known limitations. 1. No `jsx/tsx` support. Its implementation was quite complicated. 2. Invalid comment on the region where one language ends and the other starts. [Read more](https://github.com/numToStr/Comment.nvim/pull/62#issuecomment-972790418) 3. Unexpected comment on a line with multiple languages. [#144](https://github.com/numToStr/Comment.nvim/issues/144) For advance use cases, use [nvim-ts-context-commentstring](https://github.com/JoosepAlviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring). See [`pre_hook`](#pre-hook) section for the integration. > **Note** - This plugin does not depend on [nvim-treesitter](https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter) however it is recommended in order to easily install tree-sitter parsers. ### 🎣 Hooks There are two hook methods i.e `pre_hook` and `post_hook` which are called before comment and after comment respectively. Both should be provided during [`setup()`](#setup). - `pre_hook` - Called with a `ctx` argument (Read `:h comment.utils.CommentCtx`) before (un)comment. Can optionally return a `commentstring` to be used for (un)commenting. ```lua { pre_hook = function(ctx) if ctx.range.srow == ctx.range.erow then -- do something with the current line else -- do something with lines range end end, } ``` You can also integrate [nvim-ts-context-commentstring](https://github.com/JoosepAlviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring#commentnvim) using `pre_hook` to easily comment `tsx/jsx` files. > **Note** - `Comment.nvim` already supports [`treesitter`](#treesitter) out-of-the-box for all the languages except `tsx/jsx`. ```lua { pre_hook = require('ts_context_commentstring.integrations.comment_nvim').create_pre_hook(), } ``` - `post_hook` - This method is called after (un)commenting. It receives the same `ctx` (Read `:h comment.utils.CommentCtx`) argument as [`pre_hook`](#pre_hook). ```lua { post_hook = function(ctx) if ctx.range.srow == ctx.range.erow then -- do something with the current line else -- do something with lines range end end, } ``` The `post_hook` can be implemented to cover some niche use cases like the following: - Using newlines instead of padding e.g. for commenting out code in C with `#if 0`. See an example [here](https://github.com/numToStr/Comment.nvim/issues/38#issuecomment-945082507). - Duplicating the commented block (using `pre_hook`) and moving the cursor to the next block (using `post_hook`). See [this](https://github.com/numToStr/Comment.nvim/issues/70). > NOTE: When pressing `gc`, `gb` and friends, `cmode` (Comment mode) inside `pre_hook` will always be toggle because when pre-hook is called, in that moment we don't know whether `gc` or `gb` will comment or uncomment the lines. But luckily, we do know this before `post_hook` and this will always receive either comment or uncomment status ### 🚫 Ignoring lines You can use `ignore` to ignore certain lines during comment/uncomment. It can takes lua regex string or a function that returns a regex string and should be provided during [`setup()`](#setup). > NOTE: Ignore only works when with linewise comment. This is by design. As ignoring lines in block comments doesn't make that much sense. - With `string` ```lua -- ignores empty lines ignore = '^$' -- ignores line that starts with `local` (excluding any leading whitespace) ignore = '^(%s*)local' -- ignores any lines similar to arrow function ignore = '^const(.*)=(%s?)%((.*)%)(%s?)=>' ``` - With `function` ```lua { ignore = function() -- Only ignore empty lines for lua files if vim.bo.filetype == 'lua' then return '^$' end end, } ``` ### 🗨️ Filetypes + Languages Most languages/filetypes have native support for comments via `commentstring` but there might be a filetype that is not supported. There are two ways to enable commenting for unsupported filetypes: 1. You can set `commentstring` for that particular filetype like the following. Read `:h commentstring` for more info. ```lua vim.bo.commentstring = '//%s' -- or vim.api.nvim_command('set commentstring=//%s') ``` 2. You can also use this plugin interface to store both line and block commentstring for the filetype. You can treat this as a more powerful version of the `commentstring`. Read `:h comment.ft` for more info. ```lua local ft = require('Comment.ft') -- 1. Using set function ft -- Set only line comment .set('yaml', '#%s') -- Or set both line and block commentstring .set('javascript', {'//%s', '/*%s*/'}) -- 2. Metatable magic ft.javascript = {'//%s', '/*%s*/'} ft.yaml = '#%s' -- Multiple filetypes ft({'go', 'rust'}, ft.get('c')) ft({'toml', 'graphql'}, '#%s') ``` > PR(s) are welcome to add more commentstring inside the plugin ### 🤝 Contributing There are multiple ways to contribute reporting/fixing bugs, feature requests. You can also submit commentstring to this plugin by updating [ft.lua](./lua/Comment/ft.lua) and sending PR. ### 📺 Videos - [TakeTuesday E02: Comment.nvim](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-InmtHhk2qM) by [TJ DeVries](https://github.com/tjdevries) ### 💐 Credits - [tcomment](https://github.com/tomtom/tcomment_vim) - To be with me forever and motivated me to write this. - [nvim-comment](https://github.com/terrortylor/nvim-comment) - Little and less powerful cousin. Also I took some code from it. - [kommentary](https://github.com/b3nj5m1n/kommentary) - Nicely done plugin but lacks some features. But it helped me to design this plugin. ### 🚗 Roadmap - Doc comment i.e `/**%s*/` (js), `///%s` (rust) - Header comment ```lua ---------------------- -- This is a header -- ---------------------- ```